
I have a very simple fee structure:

All options include me being with you from the start of the day, usually around 10am, till about 10pm,
after loads of dancing has happened.

1: Photography with digital cameras

This is just straightforward beautifully shot and edited modern digital images


2: Digital Photography as well as analogue 35mm film

This includes digital images, and several rolls of processed analogue Kodak 35mm film 


3: Super 8 wedding film,  (2 rolls) 

No photography, just gorgeous old-fashioned Super 8 video capturing your day in the most awesome style. Each roll of film provides around 3 and half minutes of footage.


Extra rolls £300 per roll

4: Digital Photography and Super 8 movie (2 rolls) 

A mix of digital images and about 6-7 minutes of Super 8 wedding film


5: Digital Photography, analogue film, Super 8 movie

The full package, great digital images, stunning analogue 35mm film, and awesome 6-7 minutes worth of Super 8 wedding film


What is so good about old fashioned film photography or super 8 film?

Imperfection is perfection. The colours from analogue photography and Super 8 videography are something special, they have a soul, and a feeling which is unique to the medium. Analogue technology is awesome, full of character, with the occasional light leak, and the odd happy accident. When analogue is done well it is  a joy to experience. And most importantly can provide you with the coolest way to remember your day.

"I think the MASSIVE thank you should be coming from us! Just thank you for helping us make our day feel like the best!! We are still buzzing! 

We love the pics and just thank you both for being such a wicked team!! "

Anna and Tom | Sudeley Castle Gloucester

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